ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0020.8-13 | New Mechanisms | ESPEYB20

8.13. Low-dose IL-2 reduces IL-21(+) T cell frequency and induces anti-inflammatory gene expression in type 1 diabetes

JY Zhang , F Hamey , D Trzupek , M Mickunas , M Lee , L Godfrey , JHM Yang , ML Pekalski , J Kennet , F Waldron-Lynch , ML Evans , TIM Tree , LS Wicker , JA Todd , RC Ferreira

Brief summary: This study used high-resolution single-cell multiomics and flow cytometry on blood samples from patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) to examine the effects of low-dose recombinant IL-2 (iLD-IL-2). Administration of iLD-IL-2 expanded thymic-derived FOXP3+HELIOS+ Tregs and CD56bright NK cells, reduced frequency of IL-21-producing CD4+T cells, and induced long-lived anti-inflammatory transcriptional changes in all T and NK...